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      1. 1.1 Our Team’s Papers List
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Supervised Image Hashing Papers List

1.1 Our Team’s Papers List


  • Dayan Wu, Qi Dai, Jing Liu, Bo Li, Weiping Wang《Deep Incremental Hashing Network for Efficient Image Retrieval》. CVPR 2019: 9069-9077

  • Wanqian Zhang, Dayan Wu, Jing Liu, Bo Li, Xiaoyan Gu, Weiping Wang, Dan Meng《Fast and Multilevel Semantic-Preserving Discrete Hashing》. BMVC 2019

  • Jingzi Gu, Jinchao Zhang, Zheng Lin, Bo Li, Weiping Wang, Dan Meng
    《Asymmetric Deep Cross-modal Hashing》. ICCS (5) 2019: 41-54

  • Wen Gu, Xiaoyan Gu, Jingzi Gu, Bo Li, Zhi Xiong, Weiping Wang 《Adversary Guided Asymmetric Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval》. ICMR 2019: 159-167

  • Zhi Xiong, Bo Li, Xiaoyan Gu, Wen Gu, Weiping Wang 《Discriminative Deep Attention-aware Hashing for Face Image Retrieval》. PRICAI 2019

  • Dayan Wu, Zheng Lin, Bo Li, Jing Liu, Weiping Wang 《Deep Uniqueness-Aware Hashing for Fine-Grained Multi-Label Image Retrieval》. ICASSP 2018: 1683-1687

  • Dayan Wu, Jing Liu, Bo Li, Weiping Wang《Deep Index-Compatible Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval》. ICME 2018: 1-6

  • Jing Liu, Dayan Wu, Wanqian Zhang, Bo Li, Weiping Wang《Robust and Index-Compatible Deep Hashing for Accurate and Fast Image Retrieval》. PCM (2) 2018: 67-77

  • Dayan Wu, Zheng Lin, Bo Li, Mingzhen Ye, Weiping Wang 《Deep Supervised Hashing for Multi-Label and Large-Scale Image Retrieval》 ICMR 2017: 150-158

1.2 Nice Papers List



  1. CVPR 《Fast supervised hashing with decision trees for high-dimensional data》
  2. AAAI 《Supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval via Image Representation Learning》
  3. TIP 《Scalable Similarity Search With Topology Preserving Hashing》
  4. ECCV 《Learning to Hash with Partial Tags: Exploring Correlation between Tags and Hashing Bits for Large Scale Image Retrieval》
  5. TPAMI 《Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space With Multi-Index Hashing》


  1. CVPR 《Supervised Discrete Hashing》
  2. CVPR 《Hashing With Binary Autoencoders》
  3. CVPR 《Deep Semantic Ranking Based Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval》
  4. CVPR 《Deep Hashing for Compact Binary Codes Learning》
  5. CVPR 《Revisiting Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Improved Large-Scale Image Retrieval》
  6. ICCV 《Adaptive Hashing for Fast Similarity Search》
  7. ICCV 《kNN Hashing With Factorized Neighborhood Representation》
  8. ICCV 《An NMF Perspective on Binary Hashing》
  9. AAAI 《Probabilistic Attributed Hashing》
  10. IJCAI 《Scalable Graph Hashing with Feature Transformation》
  11. IJCAI 《Hamming Compatible Quantization for Hashing》
  12. IJCAI 《Ranking Preserving Hashing for Fast Similarity Search》
  13. TIP 《Neighborhood Discriminant Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval》
  14. TIP 《Bit-Scalable Deep Hashing With Regularized Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval and Person Re-Identification》
  15. TIP 《Hashing on Nonlinear Manifolds》
  16. TIP 《Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search》
  17. TPAMI 《Supervised Hashing Using Graph Cuts and Boosted Decision Trees》
  18. TPAMI 《Spherical Hashing: Binary Code Embedding with Hyperspheres》


  1. CVPR 《Efficient Training of Very Deep Neural Networks for Supervised Hashing》
  2. CVPR 《Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval》
  3. CVRP 《Multilinear Hyperplane Hashing》
  4. ECCV 《Binary Hashing with Semidefinite Relaxation and Augmented Lagrangian》
  5. ECCV 《Network flow formulations for Learning Binary Hashing》
  6. ECCV 《Kernel-Based Supervised Discrete Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  7. AAAI 《Supervised Hashing via Uncorrelated Component Analysis》
  8. AAAI 《Affinity Preserving Quantization for Hashing: A Vector Quantization Approach to Learning Compact Binary Codes》
  9. AAAI 《Column Sampling Based Discrete Supervised Hashing》
  10. AAAI 《Deep Hashing Network for Efficient Similarity Retrieval》
  11. IJCAI 《Feature Learning based Deep Supervised Hashing with Pairwise Labels》
  12. IJCAI 《Natural Supervised Hashing》
  13. IJCAI 《Learning A Deep \ell_\infty Encoder for Hashing》
  14. IJCAI 《Class-wise Supervised Hashing with Taxonomy and Active Bits》
  15. IJCAI 《Transfer Hashing with Privileged Information》
  16. IJCAI 《Deep Semantics-preserving and Ranking-based Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  17. TIP 《Instance-Aware Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval》
  18. TIP 《Query-Adaptive Hash Code Ranking for Large-Scale Multi-View Visual Search》
  19. TPAMI 《Coherency Sensitive Hashing》


  1. CVPR 《AMVH: Asymmetric Multi-Valued Hashing》
  2. CVPR 《Discretely Coding Semantic Rank Orders for Supervised Image Hashing》
  3. CVPR 《Bayesian Supervised Hashing》
  4. CVPR 《Simultaneous Feature Aggregating and Hashing for Large-Scale Image Search》
  5. ICCV 《MIHash: Online Hashing With Mutual Information》
  6. AAAI 《Transitive Hashing Network for Heterogeneous Multimedia Retrieval》
  7. AAAI 《Large Graph Hashing with Spectral Rotation》
  8. AAAI 《Deep Hashing: A Joint Approach for Image Signature Learning》
  9. AAAI 《Asymmetric Discrete Graph Hashing》
  10. AAAI 《S2JSD-LSH: A Locality-Sensitive Hashing Schema for Probability Distributions》
  11. IJCAI 《Dynamic Multi-View Hashing for Online Image Retrieval》
  12. IJCAI 《TUCH: Turning Cross-view Hashing into Single-view Hashing via Generative Adversarial Nets》
  13. IJCAI 《RHash: Robust Hashing via \ell_{\infty}-norm Distortion》
  14. IJCAI 《Deep Multiple Instance Hashing for Object-based Image Retrieval》
  15. IJCAI 《Locality Constrained Deep Supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  16. IJCAI 《Deep Supervised Hashing with Nonlinear Projections》
  17. IJCAI 《SitNet: Discrete Similarity Transfer Network for Zero-shot Hashing》
  18. TIP 《Hash Bit Selection for Nearest Neighbor Search》
  19. TIP 《Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding》
  20. TIP 《Partial Hash Update via Hamming Subspace Learning》
  21. TIP 《Latent Semantic Minimal Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  22. TIP 《Learning to Hash With Optimized Anchor Embedding for Scalable Retrieval》
  23. TIP 《Global Hashing System for Fast Image Search》
  24. TIP 《Deep Hashing for Scalable Image Search》


  1. CVPR 《Deep Cauchy Hashing for Hamming Space Retrieval》
  2. CVPR 《Hashing as Tie-Aware Learning to Rank》
  3. CVPR 《Deep Hashing via Discrepancy Minimization》
  4. ECCV 《Hashing with Binary Matrix Pursuit》
  5. ECCV 《Relaxation-Free Deep Hashing via Policy Gradient》
  6. ECCV 《ForestHash: Semantic Hashing With Shallow Random Forests and Tiny Convolutional Networks》
  7. AAAI 《Deep Region Hashing for Generic Instance Search from Images》
  8. AAAI 《On Trivial Solution and High Correlation Problems in Deep Supervised Hashing》
  9. AAAI 《From Hashing to CNNs: Training Binary Weight Network–root /mnt/disk5/zhaoshu/ILSVRC2012 --gpu 0 --print-freq 100 --lr 1e-3 --batch-size 128 --arch resnet50s via Hashing》
  10. AAAI 《Asymmetric Deep Supervised Hashing》
  11. AAAI 《Direct Hashing without Pseudo-Labels》
  12. AAAI 《Transfer Adversarial Hashing for Hamming Space Retrieval》
  13. AAAI 《Supervised Deep Hashing for Hierarchical Labeled Data》
  14. IJCAI 《Deep Joint Semantic-Embedding Hashing》
  15. IJCAI 《Redundancy-resistant Generative Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  16. IJCAI 《Progressive Generative Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  17. IJCAI 《Feature Hashing for Network Representation Learning》
  18. TIP 《A General Framework for Linear Distance Preserving Hashing》
  19. TIP 《Deep Constrained Siamese Hash Coding Network and Load-Balanced Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Near Duplicate Image Detection》
  20. TIP 《Object-Location-Aware Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval via Automatic Mask Learning》
  21. TIP 《Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Hashing for Image Retrieval With Hierarchical Convolutional Features》
  22. TIP 《Binary Multidimensional Scaling for Hashing》
  23. TIP 《Deep Discrete Supervised Hashing》
  24. TIP 《Jointly Sparse Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  25. TIP 《Hadamard Coding for Supervised Discrete Hashing》
  26. TPAMI 《Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing》
  27. TPAMI 《Supervised Learning of Semantics-Preserving Hash via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks》


  1. CVPR 《K-Nearest Neighbors Hashing》
  2. CVPR 《Deep Incremental Hashing Network for Efficient Image Retrieval》
  3. AAAI 《SADIH: Semantic-Aware DIscrete Hashing》
  4. AAAI 《Towards Optimal Discrete Online Hashing with Balanced Similarity》
  5. AAAI 《Optimal Projection Guided Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval》
  6. TIP 《Discrete Hashing With Multiple Supervision》
  7. TIP 《Discrete Spectral Hashing for Efficient Similarity Retrieval》
  8. TIP 《Semantic Cluster Unary Loss for Efficient Deep Hashing》
  9. TIP 《Deep Ordinal Hashing With Spatial Attention》
  10. TIP 《Local Semantic-Aware Deep Hashing With Hamming-Isometric Quantization》
  11. TIP 《Simultaneous Feature Aggregating and Hashing for Compact Binary Code Learning》
  12. TIP 《Scalable Supervised Asymmetric Hashing with Semantic and Latent Factor Embedding》
  13. TPAMI 《Hashing with Mutual Information》
  14. TPAMI 《Deep Variational and Structural Hashing》
  15. TPAMI 《Nonlinear Asymmetric Multi-Valued Hashing》

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Thanks To

  • Zhaoshu整理的paper list
  • Dayan师兄整理的组内论文、以及圈内大佬
  • Guwen师兄整理的跨模态总结