  1. 趋势(The Trends)
    1. 渐进式Web Apps (Progressive Web Apps)
    2. 机器人热(The Bot Hype)
    3. 前段框架合并(Consolidation of Frontend Frameworks)
    4. 云(The Cloud)
    5. 机器学习(Machine Learning)
  2. 语言(Languages)
    1. JavaScript
    2. TypeScript 2.1
    3. C#7.0
    4. Python 3.6
    5. Ruby 2.3
    6. PHP 7.1
    7. Java 9
    8. Swift 3
    9. Other
  3. 前端(Frontend)
    1. Angular.js 2
    2. Vue.js
    3. Ember
    4. Aurelia & React
    5. Bootsrap
    6. SASS & LESS
  4. 后端(Backend)
    1. Node.js
    2. PHP
    3. Ruby
    4. Python
    5. Java
    6. Phoenix
  5. 数据库(Databases)
    1. MySQL 8.0
    2. PostgreSQL 9.6
    3. CouchDB
    4. Redis
  6. 工具(Tools)
    1. Yarn
    2. VS Code & Atom
    3. Git
    4. Electron & NW.js
    5. Ansible & Docker
  7. 科技(Tech)
    1. Cloud
    2. AI
    3. VR & AR



原文:The Languages, Frameworks and Tools You Should Learn in 2017

原文作者:Martin Angelov



The software development industry continues its relentless march forward. In 2016 we saw new releases of popular languages, frameworks and tools that give us more power and change the way we work. It is difficult to keep track of everything that is new, so at the end of every year we give you our take on what is important and what you should learn during the next twelve months.


趋势(The Trends)

渐进式Web Apps (Progressive Web Apps)

In 2016 we saw the rise of the Progressive Web App concept. It represents web applications that work offline and offer a native, app-like experience. They can be added to your smart device’s homescreen and can even send you push notifications, bridging the gap with native mobile apps. We think that in 2017 PWA are going to become even more important and are well worth investigating. See our overview here.

2016年,渐进式Web App概念兴起。它意味着许多Web应用可以离线使用,可以提供一种类似原生app 体验。它们可以添加到你的智能设备的主屏幕,甚至可以给你推送通知,弥合了与原生移动端apps的差距。2017年,PWA会变得更加重要,值得我们去探索。

机器人热(The Bot Hype)

Everybody is talking about bots right now. From platforms for running them, to frameworks for building them, the community is buzzing with activity (read our intro here). Bots are the new mobile apps, and if you hurry up you can catch the wave while everyone is excited. Once the novelty wears off, bots will probably be relegated to some boring role such as automated customer support. But hey, we can dream!

现在每个人都在和机器人交流。 从运行它们的平台到构建它们的框架,社区正在忙于各种活动。 机器人是新的移动app,如果你快点,还可以趁着大家都感兴趣,赶上这股热浪。 一旦大家的新奇感逝去,机器人领域可能会被降级到一些如自动客户支持这样无聊的角色。 但,我们可以继续实现梦想!

前段框架合并(Consolidation of Frontend Frameworks)

In the JavaScript community we have an incredible churn of frameworks and tools, with new ones being born almost every week. Until recently, the expectation was that the old tools would just be replaced by the new, but this is not what we saw in 2016. Instead, we saw the popular frameworks exchanging ideas and incorporating the innovations put forth by newcomers. So in 2017 it won’t matter much which of the major JS frameworks you choose, their features are mostly comparable.

在JavaScript社区,我们难以置信许多框架和工具,几乎每个星期都有新的版本出现。 直到最近,我们期望旧的工具被新的替代,但我们在2016年没有看到。相反,我们看到流行的框架在交换想法和纳入新的改进。 所以在2017年,你选择哪个JS主要框架无关紧要,它们的功能大多是相似的。

云(The Cloud)

Companies and developers everywhere are embracing “the cloud”. This is virtualized computer infrastructure that is available on demand and fully configurable from a control panel. The big three cloud providers are AWS, Google Cloud and Azure. Thanks to their ongoing competition prices have been falling, bringing it within the budgets of smaller companies and individual developers. Familiarizing yourself with the cloud workflow would be a good investment for 2017.

各个公司和许多开发者都在拥抱“云”。 它是虚拟化的计算机基础架构,可根据需要提供从控制面板进行配置。 目前三大云提供商是AWS,Google Cloud和Azure。 由于他们持续的竞争,价格一直在下降,是许多小公司和个人开发者不错的选择。 熟悉工作流程将是2017年的一笔不错的投资。

机器学习(Machine Learning)

Machine Learning (ML) has exploded in popularity during the last twelve months. And with the historic AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol match in March, it entered the mainstream. Smart computer systems that learn from raw data are revolutionizing the way we interact with our mobile devices. By the looks of it, ML will be an even bigger factor in 2017.

机器学习(ML)这个概念在过去的一年已经可以说是爆炸式的上升。由于3月份AlphaGo和Lee Sedol的对抗赛,这个概念进入大众视角。 智能计算机系统正在从原始数据的学习中改变着我们与移动设备交互的方式。 这样看来,ML也将是个很大的趋势。



JavaScript continues its incredible pace of innovation. Catalyzed by the quick release schedules of web browsers, the JS standard is updated every year. The next edition, ES2017, is expected to be finalized in mid 2017. It will bring the dream feature of many JS developers – аsync/аwait for working with asynchronous functions. And thanks to Babel, you can write ES2017 in every browser even today.

JavaScript继续其令人难以置信的创新步伐前进着。 根据Web浏览器的快速发布计划,JS标准每年更新。 下一个版本–ES2017预计将于2017年中期完成。它将带给许多JS开发人员梦想中的特征 - аsync/ wawa用于处理异步函数。 感谢Babel,即使在今天,您也可以在每个浏览器中编写ES2017。

TypeScript 2.1

TypeScript 2.1 was released in late 2016, bringing async/await for old browsers and improved type inference. TypeScript is a statically typed language which compiles to JavaScript. It adds powerful features like a classic OOP model and optional static typing to make large codebases easier to maintain. It is the preferred language for writing Angular 2 apps, and we recommend giving it a try. Here is our quick start guide about it.

TypeScript 2.1于2016年年底发布,为旧浏览器带来了async/await异步/等待,并改进了类型推断。 TypeScript是一种能编译成JavaScript的静态类型语言。 它增加了强大的功能,如经典的OOP模型和可选的静态类型,使得巨大的代码库更容易维护。 它是编写Angular 2 app的首选语言,我们建议您尝试一下。


C# 7.0 is expected in 2017 and will enhance an already excellent language. Microsoft surprised everyone when they introduced the open source Visual Studio Code editor and .Net Core. Both of these run on Linux, Windows and macOS and allow you to write fast and performant applications in C# (read more here). A vibrant community is forming around both of these tools, and we are confident there is an exciting year ahead of them.

C#7.0预计在2017年出现,作为一个已经很优秀的语言它将进一步提高。 当他们推出开源Visual Studio代码编辑器和.Net Core时,M$这次让每个人都倍感惊讶。 它们能在Linux,Windows和macOS上运行,并允许您用在C#编写快速,高效的应用程序。 这两种工具都形成了一个充满活力的社区,我们相信,他们将有一个令人兴奋的一年。

Python 3.6

Python 3.6 was released in December. It is solidifying its place as the scripting language of choice for devs, IT pros and scientists. It is suitable for automation, web development, machine learning and scientific computing. The Python 2/3 split has been an years-long struggle for the community, but these days you can confidently choose 3 and enjoy full library support. For those in need of extra performance, they can take a look at PyPy, an alternative JIT enabled Python runtime.

Python 3.6于12月发布。 它正在巩固其作为开发人员、IT专业人员和科学家的脚本语言的首选地位。 它适用于自动化,Web开发,机器学习和科学计算。 Python 2/3版本已经为社区做出了多年的努力,但是现在你可以自信地选择3系列并享受完整的Library支持。 对于那些需要额外的性能,他们可以看看PyPy,用Python替代JIT的运行。

Ruby 2.3

Ruby 2.3 was released earlier this year with a number of performance improvements. Ruby is also a good choice as a general purpose scripting language, but it shines when paired with Rails. The Ruby 3×3 initiative was announced, which will attempt to make the upcoming Ruby 3 release 3 times faster that the current version, opening the doors to using Ruby in more contexts.

Ruby 2.3今年早些时候发布了一些性能改进。 Ruby作为一个通用的脚本语言也是一个很好的选择,它与Rails配合时表现尤其出色。 Ruby 3×3的倡议已经宣布,试图使即将推出的Ruby 3版本比当前版本快3倍,打开了在更多的上下文交互中使用Ruby的大门。

PHP 7.1

PHP 7.1 was released in December, and brings minor enhancements to the language. This builds upon the major performance improvements that were had in version 7.0 last year, turning PHP into a fast platform for building web applications. We recommend PHP The Right Way for good practices and a modern take on building web apps in the language.

PHP 7.1是在12月发布的,并对该语言进行了小小的增强。 这基于去年版本7.0中的主要性能改进,将PHP转变为构建Web应用程序的快速平台。 我们建议 PHP The Right Way是现代承担构建web应用程序语言中很好的示例。

Java 9

Java 9 is expected in 2017 and will come with welcome new features like a repl for evaluating code, HTTP 2.0 support and new APIs. There is a strong demand for talented Java developers and a breadth of exciting projects that use the language. If Java is not your thing, there are a number of JVM based languages like Kotlin and Scala that you can check out.

Java 9预计在2017年发布,并将带来欢迎的新功能,如评估代码,HTTP 2.0支持和新的API的repl。 对于有才华的Java开发人员令人兴奋,使用该语言的很多项目都有强烈的需求。 如果Java不是你期望的东西,一些基于JVM的语言,如Kotlin和Scala,你可以看一下。

Swift 3

Swift 3 was released earlier this year. This is Apple’s vision for a modern programming language that eases the development of apps on iOS and macOS. Swift is open source and has attracted a large community. Version 4 is planned for 2017, which will improve the language and introduce server APIs, making it a good choice for writing web apps and backends.

Swift 3在今年早些时候就已经发布。 这是苹果对现代编程语言的愿景,它简化了iiOS和macOS上的应用程序开发。 Swift目前是开源的,并吸引了大量的社区。 版本4将计划于2017年,它将改进该语言,也可用来写服务器API,使其成为编写网络应用程序和后端的一个不错的选择。


If you are looking for something more exciting, you can try out Crystal and Elixir, which both combine a friendly ruby-like syntax with superior performance. Or you can look into a functional language like Haskellor Clojure. Two other fast languages are Rust and Go which we recommend.

如果你正在寻找更令人兴奋的东西,你可以尝试一下Crystal和Elixir,它们结合了一个类似ruby的友好语法和卓越的性能。 或者你可以看看一个功能语言如Haskell或者 Clojure。 另外两种快速语言是Rust和Go,我们推荐。

Learn one or more of these: JS (ES2017), TypeScript, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP7, Java/Kotlin/Scala.


The web platform made two major advancements recently – Web Assembly and Service Workers. They open the gates for fast and performant web applications that bridge the gap with native compiled applications. Service Workers in particular are the enabling technology for Progressive Web Apps and bring support for Notifications to the web platform, with more APIs to follow in the future.

Web平台最近取得了两个重大进展 -Web Assembly 和Service Workers。 他们打开了快速、高效的构建Web应用程序的大门,弥合了与原生编译应用程序的差距。 Service Workers尤其在渐进式Web应用程序的应用广泛,并为Web平台的通知提供支持,将来还会有更多的API。

Angular.js 2

Angular.js 2 was released this year. The framework is backed by Google and is very popular with enterprises and large companies. It has a vast number of features that make writing everything from web to desktop and mobile apps possible. The framework is written in TypeScript, which is also the recommended language to write applications in. There is a lot to read about, but we think learning Angular 2 in 2017 would be a good investment.

Angular.js 2今年发布。 该框架由Google提供支持,非常受企业和公司的欢迎。 它具有大量功能,使它从网络到桌面和移动应用程序都可编写。 框架是用TypeScript编写的,这也是编写应用程序的推荐语言。虽然有很多要阅读的内容,但我们认为在2017年学习Angular 2将是一个很好的投资。


Vue.js also saw its 2.0 release this year. It borrows the good ideas from Angular, React and Ember, and puts them into an easy to use package. It is also quite a bit leaner and faster than the first two. We suggest that you give it a try this year, by starting with one of our Vue.js tutorials.

Vue.js也看到了今年的2.0版本。 它借鉴了Angular,React和Ember好的特性,并将它们放入一个易于使用的包中。 它也比前两个更容易且更快。 我们建议你今年试试,从我们的一个Vue.js教程开始。


Ember is another solid choice for a JavaScript framework. It supports data bindings, auto-updating templates, components and server-side rendering. One benefit that it has over its competitors, is that it is more mature and stable. Breaking changes are much less frequent and the community values backwards compatibility. This makes the framework a good choice for long-lived applications.

Ember是JavaScript框架的另一个不错的选择。 它支持数据绑定,自动更新模板,组件和服务器端呈现。 与其竞争对手相比,它的一个好处是它更成熟和稳定。 打破变化的频率要低得多,社区也会降低兼容性。 这使得该框架成为长期应用程序的不错选择。

Aurelia & React

Two other frameworks that are worth a look are Aurelia and React. The ecosystem around React has grown considerably more complicated in the last year, making it difficult to recommend for beginners. But experienced devs can combine the library with GraphQLRelayFlux and Immutable.js into a comprehensive full stack solution.

另外两个值得一看的框架是Aurelia和React。 去年,React的生态系统变得越来越复杂,因此很难为初学者推荐。 但经验丰富的开发者可以将该库与GraphQL,Relay,Flux和Immutable.js组合成一个全面的全栈解决方案。


No frontend compilation would be complete without mentioning Bootstrap. Version 4 is currently in Alpha and a release is expected in 2017. Notable changes are the new versatile card component and the flexbox grid (see our comparison with the regular grid here), which modernize the framework and make it a joy to work with.

没有Bootstrap就没有前端能被编译完成。 版本4目前还是Alpha,预计在2017年发布。值得注意的变化是新的通用card组件和flexbox网格在这里现代化的框架,使它的工作更方便。


SASS and LESS remain the two most popular CSS preprocessors today. Although vanilla CSS is finally getting support for variables, SASS and LESS are still superior with their support for mixins, functions and code organization. If you haven’t already, take a look at our SASS and LESS quick start guides.

SASS和LESS仍然是当今最流行的两种CSS预处理器。 虽然vanilla CSS最终得到了对变量的支持,SASS和LESS仍然优于对mixins,函数和对代码组织的支持。 如果您还没有开始,请查看我们的SASS和LESS快速入门指南。

Learn one or more of these: Angular 2, Vue.js, Ember, Bootstrap, LESS/SASS.



There is plenty of choice for the backend, all coming down to your preference of a programming language or specific performance needs. An ongoing trend in web development is business logic to move away from the backend, turning that layer into an API which is consumed by the frontend and mobile apps. But a full stack framework is often simpler and faster to develop in, and is still a valid choice for a lot of web apps.

后端有很多选择,所有选择都取决于您对编程语言或应用特定性能需求的偏好。 Web开发中的一个持续趋势就是远离后端的业务逻辑,将该层转换为由前端和移动应用程序使用的API。 但是,一个全栈框架通常更简单,开发更快,并且仍然是许多web应用程序的有效选择。


Node.js is the primary way for running JS outside the browser. It saw many new releases this year which increased performance and added coverage for the entire ES6 standard. Node has frameworks for building fast APIs, servers, desktop apps and even robots, and a vast community creating every kind of module imaginable. Some frameworks that you may like to look into: ExpressKoaNextNodal.

Node.js是在浏览器外运行JS的主要方式。 它看到了今年的许多新版本,优化了性能和实现了整个ES6标准。 Node具有快速构建API,服务器,桌面应用程序甚至机器人的框架,以及创建具有很多模块的庞大社区。 一些框架,你可能想研究:Express,Koa,Next,Nodal。


PHP is a web language first and foremost, and has a large number of web frameworks to choose from. Thanks to its excellent documentation and futures, Laravel has formed an active community around it. Zend Framework released version 3 which marks a great upgrade for this business oriented framework. Symfony also saw a lot of new releases this year, making it an even better choice as a full stack solution.

PHP首先是一种Web语言,并且有大量的Web框架可供选择。 由于其出色的文档和未来,Laravel已经形成了一个活跃的社区。 Zend 框架发布了第3版,这标志着这种面向业务的框架的极大升级。 Symfony在今年也看到了很多新的版本,使它成为一个作为全栈解决方案更好的选择。


For Ruby, the Rails framework is the premier choice. Version 5.0 was released in 2016, bringing support for Web Sockets, API mode and more. Sinatra is also a good choice for small apps, with version 2.0 expected sometime in 2017.

对于Ruby,Rails框架是首选。 版本5.0于2016年发布,为Web套接字,API模式等提供支持。 Sinatra对于小应用程序也是不错选择,版本2.0预计2017年会发布。


Python has its own full stack/minimal framework combo in the form of Django and Flask. Django 1.10 was releasedin August introducing full text search for Postgres and an overhauled middleware layer.

Python以Django和Flask的形式展现了自己的全栈/最小的框架组合。 Django 1.10在8月推出全文搜索Postgres和做出了很大修改的中间件层。


The Java ecosystem also has popular web frameworks to choose from. Play and Spark are two solid choices, and as a bonus they can be used with Scala as well.

Java生态系统还有流行的Web框架可供选择。 Play和Spark是两个不错的选择,他们也可以与Scala一起使用,效果更佳。


For the enthusiasts there is also Phoenix, which is written in Elixir and attempts to be a feature complete alternative to Rails with superior performance. If Elixir is one of the languages you would like to learn in 2017, give Phoenix a try.

对于Elixir爱好者,还有Phoenix,这是用Elixir编写的,并试图成为一个功能上完全替代Rails且具有卓越的性能的框架。 如果Elixir是你想在2017年学习的语言之一,不妨试试。

Learn one of these: A full stack backend framework, a micro framework.



MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 is going to be the next major release of the database. It is expected sometime in 2017 and it will bring a lot of improvements to the system. MySQL is still the most popular database management system and the entire industry benefits from these new releases.

MySQL 8.0将是数据库的下一个重要版本。 预计2017年某个时候发布,它将给系统带来很多改进。 MySQL仍然是最受欢迎的数据库管理系统,整个行业都将受益于这些新版本。

PostgreSQL 9.6

PostgreSQL 9.6 was released in September. It brought better full text search and sped up the database system with parallel queries and more efficient replication, aggregation, indexing and sorting. Postgres is used for massive, terabyte scale datasets, as well as for busy web apps, and these optimizations are welcome.

PostgreSQL 9.6已经于9月发布了。 它带来了更好的全文搜索,加快了数据库系统的并行查询和更高效的复制,聚合,索引和排序。 Postgres用于大规模/TBS数量级的数据集,以及繁忙的网络应用程序,这些优化是受欢迎的。


For NoSQL fans, we can recommend CouchDB. It is a fast and scalable JSON storage system which exposes a REST-ful HTTP API. The database is easy to use and offers great performance. PouchDB is a spiritual counterpart to CouchDB that works entirely in the browser and can sync with Couch. This allows you to use Pouch in an offline ready web app, and get automatic syncing once internet connectivity is available.

对于NoSQL粉丝,我们可以推荐CouchDB。 它是一种快速,可扩展的JSON存储系统,它公开了一个REST-FUL 的HTTP API。 数据库易于使用,性能卓越。 PouchDB是一个指导精神相似的CouchDB副本,完全在浏览器中工作,可以与Couch同步。 这允许您在离线网络应用程序中使用Pouch,并在网络连接可用后自动同步。


Redis is our favorite key value store. It is small, fast and versatile. You can use it as a smart memcache alternative, as a NoSQL data store or a process messaging and synchronization channel. It offers a large number of data structures to choose from, and the upcoming 4.0 release will have a module system and improved replication.

Redis是我们最喜欢的键值存储。 它是小,快速和多才多艺。 您可以将其做智能缓存作为NoSQL数据存储或进程消息传递和同步通道。 它提供了大量的数据结构来供选择,并且即将到来的4.0版本将有一个模块系统的改进。

Learn one of these: MySQL, Postgres, CouchDB, Redis.




Yarn is an alternative package manager for Node.js which is developed by Facebook. It is an upgrade over the npm command line tool and provides faster installs, better security and deterministic builds. It still uses the npm package registry as its backend, so you have access to the same incredible ecosystem of JavaScript modules. Yarn is compatible with the package.json format that npm uses, and is just a quick install away.

Yarn是由Facebook开发的Node.js的替代包管理器。 它是对npm命令行工具的升级,提供更快的安装,更好的安全性和确定性构建。 它仍然使用npm包注册表作为其后端,因此您可以访问同一个令人难以置信的JavaScript模块的生态系统。 Yarn与npm使用的package.json格式兼容,只是一个快速安装。

VS Code & Atom

The two most popular open source code editors – Visual Studio Code and Atom have seen an incredible amount of innovation in the past 12 months. Both of these projects are built using web technologies and have attracted huge communities of fans. The editors have plugins available which bring syntax checking, linting and refactoring tools for a large number of languages.

两个最受欢迎的开源代码编辑器 - Visual Studio Code和Atom在过去12个月中看到了不可思议的创新。 这两个项目都是使用网络技术构建的,并吸引了大量的粉丝群体。 编辑器有可用的语言检查,linting和重构工具的大量语言的插件。


Git is the most popular source code version control system out there. It is serverless and you can turn any folder on your computer into a repository. If you wish to share code, you have many options like GitLabBitbucket and Github, to name a few. For 2017 we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the git command line, as it will come in handy more times than you think.

Git是最流行的源代码版本控制系统。 它是无服务器的,您可以将计算机上的任何文件夹转换为存储库。 如果你想共享代码,你有很多选择像GitLab,Bitbucket和Github这样的平台,仅举几例。 对于2017年,我们建议您熟悉git命令行,因为它会比您想象的更方便。

Electron & NW.js

Desktop applications are not dead yet. Even though web apps are becoming more and more capable, sometimes you need powerful capabilities and APIs that are simply not available to the web platform. With tools like Electronand NW.js you can write desktop applications by using web technologies. You get full access to the operating system and the breadth of modules available to npm. To learn more about these tools, read our tutorials about Electron and NW.js.

桌面应用程序还没有狗带。 即使web网络应用程序变得越来越有能力,有时你需要强大的功能和API,这是web平台根本不能提供的。 使用诸如Electronand和NW.js之类的工具,您可以使用Web技术编写桌面应用程序。 您可以完全访问操作系统还有npm模块。 要了解这些工具的更多信息,请阅读我们的有关Electron和NW.js的教程。

Ansible & Docker

A recent trend in software team organization is to have developers who are in charge of their own software deployment. Also called DevOps, this leads to quicker releases and faster fixes of issues in production. Developers with operations experience are highly valued by companies, so familiarity with the technologies that enable it is going to be a huge plus from now on. Some of the tools that we recommend are Ansible and Docker. Experience with the Linux command line and basic system administration skills will also serve you well.

软件团队组织的最新趋势是让开发人员负责自己的软件部署,也称为DevOps,这导致更快的发布和更快地修复生产中的问题。 具有运营经验的开发人员受到公司的高度重视,因此熟悉能够实现这一目标的技术将是一个巨大的进步。 我们推荐的一些工具是Ansible和Docker。 拥有Linux命令行和基本系统管理技能的经验也将非常有用。

Try out one or more of these: Yarn, Git, Visual Studio Code, Electron, Ansible, Docker.




The cloud has won over the entire software industry, with large companies closing down their datacenters and moving their entire infrastructure there. The three main platforms are AWSGoogle Cloud and Azure. All three have powerful, ever expanding feature sets, including virtual machines, hosted databases, machine learning services and more. Prices are going down rapidly, and the cloud is within reach of small companies and individual developers. For 2017, it would be a good learning experience to deploy a side project to one of these providers.

云已经赢得了整个软件行业,大型公司关闭了他们的数据中心和搬走了其整个基础设施。 三个主要平台是AWS,Google Cloud和Azure。 这三个功能强大,具有不断扩展的功能集,包括虚拟机,托管数据库,机器学习服务等。 价格正在迅速下降,云是小公司和个人开发商可以接触到的。 对于2017年,在这些提供商上的云服务上部署一个项目也将是一个很好的学习经验。


Artificial Intelligence was the buzzword of 2016. Speech recognition and image classification are only two of the user facing applications of the technology, with machines reaching and even surpassing human level performance. There are a lot of startups that apply AI and Machine Learning to new domains. And a lot of open source projects were released like Google’s Tensor Flow and Microsoft’s Cognitive Toolkit. Machine Learning is a very math-heavy topic, and for those just starting out there are comprehensive online courses available.

人工智能是2016年的流行语。语音识别和图像分类只是该技术面向用户的两种应用,其机器达到甚至可以超过人类的性能。 有很多创业公司将AI和机器学习应用到新领域。 许多开源项目被发布,像谷歌的Tensor Flow和微软的认知工具Cognitive Toolkit。 机器学习是非常重视数学,对于刚刚开始的人,这有全面的在线课程。


Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been around for a while, but finally the technology is mature enough to offer a compelling experience. Facebook (Oculus Rift), Google (Daydream) and Microsoft (Windows Holographic) all have virtual reality platforms that welcome third party developers. VR headsets still face challenges like eliminating nausea and offering compelling use cases outside of gaming, but they are getting there.

虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)已经存在了一段时间,但该技术已经成熟,并足以提供引人注目的体验。 Facebook(Oculus Rift),Google(Daydream)和Microsoft(Windows Holographic)都有虚拟现实平台,同时欢迎第三方开发者。 VR头戴设备仍然面临挑战,像如何消除恶心和在游戏之外提供令人信服的用例,但他们正努力发展着。

Learn one of these: Cloud deployment, a Machine Learning library, VR Development.